Author: Alexander Terekhov
- NULL (1)
- IN: The Rat-Killer (1997) Fiction, NULL
EPIGRAPH: Svetloyar is a small lake in the woods of the Nizhny Novgorod region. According to an old folk legend, the town of Kitesh resisted the invasion of Batu Khan by submerging itself under the lake. In the popular imagination, Kitezh has remained unchanged underwater, with all its houses, churches and people intact. And if you are pure of heart, you will get a message from Kitezh: you will see at the lake's bottom the church domes, and hear its bells ringing, but the sinners will see Kitezh as just woods and wasteland, and this will continue until the end of times, until the second coming.
FROM: From an old guide book, (None), Book, NULL